Friday, July 6, 2018

Reading Information


The ultimate goal is for your child to become a lifelong reader; whether this means getting them hooked into reading or nurturing the love they already have for it. Through a wide range of strategies, your child will understand, interpret, evaluate, appreciate, and respond to various  themes and genres. The different genres that will be covered are:  Realistic Fiction, Adventure, Mystery, Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry, and Traditional Literature.

AR is an acronym for Accelerated Reader. Our district implements this program through High School. The program is not new for the majority of our students, but how we execute the program is a bit different. Each student will take a STAR Reading Test that will generate a ZPD (zone of proximal development) that will inform Mrs. Ackiss (the reading teacher) on where they currently stand in their reading abilities. From here, Mrs. Ackiss will conference with each student to set their goals and expectations. At each mid-term, a progress report will be sent home that shows how far they are in completing their goals. It is HIGHLY encouraged that your child use the time given in class and time after school to read. Many students try to wait until the last minute to complete their goals; however, we are encouraging students to complete their AR goal earlier in the term so reading isn't seen as a burden or in a negative light.

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